DR at the Post Office Thumbnails

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OK, so I know that it's not an inspiring title, but it's worth noting that some Woodvilles put in some hot sweaty hours for the benefit of others (apart from just bashing seven bell of whatsit out of each other).

Our first entry in this section is Mr M Brookshaw (aka Shiny Helm, aka Captain McPloppy, aka DR). In a fit of madness he decided to do his Post Office night-shift, in armour (logical - not).

He raised £276.40 from his co-workers (or as it's the Post Office, his co-slackers) for the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) of the local hospital. During his shift he managed to drink 12 litres of water, and didn't pee once. Mind you we always said he was full of piss and wind!

Nice one DR.